What the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors do to Palestinians?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Israeli Terrorism Army Killed 64-year-old man

IDF troops in Jenin kill 64-year-old man holding a flashlight
By Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondent and News Agencies

Israel Defense Forces troops killed a 64-year-old man in Jenin on Sunday, it was released for publication Monday.Palestinian sources said Monday that Sabri Khalil worked as a night watchman at a local school. After he shined his flashlight on a passing car, soldiers patrolling the city shot him in the chest, killing him. The IDF confirmed that soldiers shot a Palestinian standing on a rooftop, saying he had apparently been holding a weapon at the time. An army spokesman said that in retrospect, it appears that the man was holding a flashlight.

What a brave soldiers ?!!!!

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